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Stage Three Marano – Velo d’Astico (Km 21)

Route description

Start in Marano where the road forks in Via Braglio, bear left and on the flyover turn right towards the embankment along the Timonchio, at the junction with Via Pasubio, a dual carriageway, turn left over the bridge and immediately right back onto the embankment, at the junction with the main road SP122 continue along the embankment on the same side and after 300m, at the junction with Via Prole turn right; continue straight on until Via Venezia and turn left, after 200m turn right onto Via Milano and after another 200m turn left and then right shortly after onto the dirt track; go on approximately 1km as far as the tarmacked road Via Nazario Sauro, continue as far as the crossroads with Via Stazione, turn left over the level crossing and 50m later turn right into Via Molette; after 400m take a sharp left into a side road and continue until you come to Via Capitello, which is normally very busy; go straight on following the dirt track and just past a farm on the right, turn left; after 50m be careful as a sharp bend to the right brings you onto the new bike-pedestrian path which crosses over the new road below and leads into contrà Vanzi; not far ahead is the crossroads with Via Machiavelli, turn left by an old farmhouse; after 100m look carefully as the entrance to the bike-pedestrian path on the right is half-hidden; go through four crossroads in the Schio business park and at Campo Romano cross over Via Dell’Industria just before the traffic lights; be very careful here as there are no signs on the road and it is a highly dangerous crossing; continue along the road and after 30m turn right onto Via Campo Romano; continue until the new hospital and turn left into Via Campagna which initially runs parallel to the bike-pedestrian path leading to the hospital; straight on through the fields along the dirt track as far as the Chiappin farm; turn left into Via dei Prati where the dirt track eventually becomes tarmacked; continue for more than 1km and just past the new cemetery on the right, turn right at the crossroads into Via Prasamarin; after 400m leave the main road and turn right at the wooden bridge, continue through the underpass and go on past the schools; keep to the right and go up towards the bike-pedestrian path which leads to the playing fields; continue along the narrow cycle path until the pedestrian roundabout; look to your left and you will see an entrance in the walls surrounding Villa Rossi; go through and there is a wide-stepped dirt track which climbs to come out on Via Alessandro Rossi; continue right past Villa Rossi, downhill into Via Lesina and straight on at the crossroads into Via San Carlo, past the little church of the same name; after a short climb the road drops down and watch out for the turning on the left, 500m ahead, down into Via S. Vito; continue down, going straight on through all the crossroads in the area of Grumello di Piovene Rocchette; there is a big roundabout at the end, stay on the pavement to the left and go straight on; after 300m you will see Centro Expert on your right on the other side of the road; turn left here and after 100m turn right into Via del Monte and then straight ahead onto Via Libertà; continue straight on uphill against the flow of traffic and when you reach the little square turn left to climb up into Via delle Fonti; at the end of this short stretch you will reach the car park for the Birreria Vecchia; keeping this to your left continue straight on up the paved steps through the renovated houses as far as the big fountain; cross over Via dell’Angelo into Via Castel Manduca and continue downhill; go under a portico and into an open space; turn left into Via Preare, a dirt track which climbs first and then drops; at the junction with the main road keep to the pavement on the left and not long after cross over the route for the bike-pedestrian path and then cross over again; follow the route of the old railway line, shown on a noticeboard, which descends immediately into a tunnel; stay on the path for 5 km until you reach the old Velo d’Astico station, which is now the Gran Passo Restaurant.


Route information

Starting point
Marano Vicentino at the bridge in Via Braglio

There is a small car park before the embankment
Parking in the centre of town, 1 km away

Exit Thiene follow signs for Marano 2.5 km

Main roads
SP1 from Thiene
SP46 from Schio-Malo
Once in the town centre head south to Via Braglio

All year round. Be careful at road crossings and stretches along main roads

Technical details
Easy. Gentle climb as far as Piovene Rocchette
The hardest climb begins just outside town: Via dell’Ospizio (cyclists will have to get off and walk)
Gentle descent as far as the “Patronato”
Another climb up to the former lime works
Some gentle gradients along the old railway line

Unpaved-grass tracks along the embankment from Marano-Timonchio Farm
Asphalt from Timonchio to Garziere and the crossing at Piovene
Paving stones Via Ospizio Piovene
Dirt track Garziere-Piovene and the old railway line Piovene-Velo

  • pace 4 kmph > 4hours 45 minutes
  • pace 6 kmph > 3hours 20 minutes
  • pace 8 kmph > 2hours 25 minutes
  • pace 18 kmph > 1hour 10 minutes by bike

 Road crossings
  • Viale Europa in Marano
  • level crossing in Marano
  • Via Capitello di Sopra Marano-Schio
  • several crossings on bike path through Schio business park
  • Via Dell’Industria warning heavy traffic (Campo Romano)
  • Via Garziere by the new hospital warning heavy traffic
  • short section (80m) against flow of traffic Via Garziere
  • main road near Garziere (after the villa)
  • main road SP349 Piovene near Pilastri (near motorway flyover)
  • main road SP349 again near Piovene
  • Via Libertà: route is signposted in yellow (against flow of traffic)
  • Via Rossi Piovene, two crossings, beginning of bike-pedestrian path
  • Three crossings of minor roads along the bike-pedestrian path
  • Special care should be taken on all road junctions. Always follow the highway code and above all use common sense

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Stage Two Vicenza – Marano Vicentino (Km 26)


Route information

Starting point
Vicenza, Piazza dei Signori, Basilica Palladiana

All car parks and parking spaces maintained by A.I.M. Mobilità

E70, A4 MI-VE, A31 Valdastico

Main roads
SS 53 Postumia- SR 11 from Padova-Verona
SP 247 Riviera Berica
SS 46 from Schio-Thiene
SP 248 from Marostica-Bassano

Museums and monuments

For information visit  Vicenza da vivere

All year round (along the paths between Leogra-Timonchio pay special attention during hunting season as there may be hunting hides in the vicinity)

Technical details
Easy, completely flat.

Asphalt, from the start around the area of Dal Molin in the northern suburbs and from the end of the woods in Dueville as far as the beginning of the Timonchio in Villaverla
Dirt tracks, north of via Polesella-Bosco Dueville
Unpaved-grass tracks along the embankment of the Bacchiglione from Vicenza to Vivaro and the embankment along the Timonchio from Villaverla to Marano.

  • pace 4 kmph > 6 hours 30 minutes
  • pace 6 kmph > 4 hours 20 minutes
  • pace 8 kmph > 3 hours 10 minutes
  • pace 18 kmph > 1 hour 30 minutes by bike

Road crossings
  • Corso Palladio pedestrianised area
  • Viale d’Alviano traffic lights at the crossing
  • Viale dal Verme traffic lights at the crossing
  • All road section leaving Vicenza which are not on cycle paths
  • Polegge road
  • The bridge in Cresole
  • The bridge in Vivaro
  • Section along Via Timonchio in Caldogno
  • SP 50, Novoledo
  • Villaverla, near Telwin, 3 crossings at roundabouts
  • The bridge at Borgo Redentore (the “Vacheta” road) in Villaverla
  • The bridge on the Molina-Malo road
  • Marano by-pass Via Timonchio

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Stage One Montegalda – Vicenza (17 Km)

Route description

The starting point is the bridge across the River Bacchiglione in Montegalda; at Villa Gualdo follow the embankment which runs along the river; the route snakes through farm holdings on the left and is an easy walk amidst greenery.

After crossing the road at the roundabout before the village of Colzè, pick up the path again along the embankment (there is a gap in the guardrail); pass under the A31 motorway (Valdastico Sud), the embankment now follows a spillway canal and meets up with the River Bacchiglione on the left after the water works at Colzè.

At Secula cross the main road (SP 20); turn left keeping to the road and just after the bridge across the River Bacchiglione join the bike-pedestrian path on the right which runs below; at the traffic lights in Longare continue straight on for about 200m then turn right on to the bike-pedestrian path. Continue straight on, crossing the main road (SP247) at the American Military Base and picking up the bike-pedestrian path heading north on the right and named after Renato Casarotto.

In Debba there is a dangerous crossing so cross over first on the left, go on for 50m then cross back to the right on to the bike-pedestrian path and carry on ahead. Pay great attention here as the road is very busy. Shortly after the signpost for Vicenza, just beyond the villa “La Rotonda”, cross the main road again (SP 247), and walk up Via Della Rotonda as far as the sign for Villa Valmarana (approx. 300m).

Go up the steps on the right as far as the Villa Valmarana. Continue straight on and at the fork go up the cobbled lane to the left (via S.Bastian). At the end of the lane keep going, cross over the road which leads to Monte Berico and follow the dirt track which runs down along the arcade.

Keep to the right for 100m after the bollards and then take a sharp left over the pedestrian crossing in viale Fusinato. The road crosses over the railway bridge; after 50m turn left and cross the road at the pedestrian crossing towards the right; turn left towards Campo Marzo; after the bridge turn right into viale Eretenio.
At the crossroads near the bridge (Ponte Furo) go straight up contrà Carpagnon and follow the signs for “Due Mori” as far as Piazza delle Poste, where the first stage ends. Turn right to head towards Piazza dei Signori.


Route information

Starting point

Montegalda, the centre of the village, Villa Gualdo, the Town Hall

Parking available in the municipal car park.

Exit A4 (Milan-Venice) Grisignano – follow signs for Montegalda 6km
Exit A31 (Valdastico Sud) Longare-Montagaldella – follow signs for Montegalda 5km 

Main roads
SP20 from Longare traffic lights SP 247
from Montegaldella junction for SP 21

All year round
From April to October the long grass along the embankment from Montegalda to Secula may cause some problems.

Technical details
Easy. Mostly flat
1km climb from Via della Rotonda-stradella Valmarana to the end of Via S. Bastian (Vicenza)
Descent Viale 10 Giugno 400m (from Monte Berico)

Unpaved-grass tracks along the Montegalda-Secula embankment
Asphalted bike-pedestrian path Longare-Vicenza
Paving stones along the Stradella Valmarana Via S. Bastian
Dirt track Viale 10 Giugno

  • pace 4 kmph > 4 hours 30 minutes
  • pace 6 kmph > 2 hours 50 minutes
  • pace 8 kmph > 2 hours 15 minutes
  • pace 18 kmph > 1 hour by bike

Road crossings
  • Just before Colzè at the roundabout SP20-Ghizzole- normal traffic.
  • Secula – crossing the SP 20.
  • Along the via Municipio in Secula at the beginning of the bike-pedestrian path at the underpass in Longare.
  • Longare SP 247. Opposite the entrance to the American base to pick up the bike path. Heavy traffic.
  • Debba – the junction of the SP 247 – road for Ponte di Debba leaving the bike-pedestrian path. Pay great attention.
  • Vicenza at the end of the bike-pedestrian path. Cross the SP 247 to join via della Rotonda. Pay great attention.
  • Vicenza, Viale 10 Giugno, at the foot of Monte Berico. Pay great attention.
  • Vicenza, viale Fusinato and viale Risorgimento. Pay great attention.
  • Vicenza, junction of viale Eretenio – Ponte Furo.
  • Vicenza from the end of Viale 10 Giugno until viale Eretenio moderate to heavy traffic.
  • Special care should be taken on all road junctions. Always follow the highway code and above all use common sense.

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The Marquess Giuseppe Roi

Marchese Giuseppe Roi

The Cammino Fogazzaro-Roi is also dedicated to the famous writer’s great-grandson, the Marquess Giuseppe Roi, known as Boso, (1924-2009). He was one of the great patrons of art and culture in Vicenza and last heir of the Fogazzaro and Roi families.

His family were in the hemp textile business and built three factories in and near Vicenza. His grandfather, also called Giuseppe, was a great philanthropist and his generosity towards the church and work in the community (he built a model town and nursery school) earned him the title Marquess. He married Teresa, known as Gina, the eldest daughter of the writer Antonio Fogazzaro.

The Marquess Giuseppe Roi, nicknamed “Boso” by his father after a contemporary film hero, attended Pigafetta Grammar School in Vicenza (as did his illustrious ancestor) and then went on to study Law in Ferrara. He was a man of culture, great sensibility and taste, generous both in spirit and with others, cultivated and a tireless promoter of culture at home and further afield.


The Marquess Giuseppe Roi was chairman of the Provincial Tourism Board in Vicenza from 1956 to 1973, chairman of the Venetian Villas Board from 1960 to 1970 (today known as the Istituto Regionale per le Ville Venete), working to support it together with Bepi Mazzotti, Renato Cevese and Giovanni Comisso. He was also president of the Rotary Club of Vicenza, the local branch of Italia Nostra from 1965 to 1969, and of the Società del Quartetto (testament to his passion for music, like Fogazzaro who had also held the same role). Above all, the Marquess Roi championed Vicenza and its Palladian villas as a candidate for UNESCO recognition as a world heritage site. In 1985 he was awarded the Medaglia d’oro by the city of Vicenza in recognition of his tireless and unceasing work promoting culture and artistic heritage.

Albero genealogico famiglia Fogazzaro - Roi

Evidence of his generosity and passion for collecting can still be seen today in the form of a bequest of rare editions and volumes relating to the theatre to the Accademia Olimpica, of which he was a member (as was his great-grandfather Fogazzaro) until 2007. His other bequests include a collection of sacred gold vessels and ornaments, vestments and votive offerings to the Museo Diocesano in Vicenza, a collection of paintings, drawings and engravings to the Palazzo Chiericati Art Gallery, a collection of books to the Bertoliana Library and Fogazzaro’s private papers (which were partly revealed to scholars and experts on the 100-year anniversary of the writer’s death, on 7 March, 2011), and a collection of Veneto ceramics to the Museum in Bassano del Grappa.

As the crowning culmination of a life devoted to art and culture, the Marquess founded the Fondazione Giuseppe Roi in 1988 which aims to:

promote the Museo Civico di Vicenza in pursuit of its purpose either through partial or complete financing, the acquisition of artworks, their restoration, the creation of exhibitions and displays organised by the museum and the conservation and organisation of exhibitions in Palazzo Chiericati and other museum venues in Vicenza.

The Foundation financed the publication of the immense scientific catalogue of collections in the Palazzo Chiericati Art Gallery.

Giuseppe Roi bequeathed Villa Fogazzaro-Roi in Oria, Lake Como, to FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano, the Italian National Trust).

An introduction to the Cammino Fogazzaro-Roi

The Cammino Fogazzaro-Roi (the Fogazzaro-Roi Trail) is the first of the Cammini Veneti (Veneto Trails), long routes (ideally suited to walking) which the Associazione Cammini Veneti plans to develop in the countryside and hills in the Veneto area.

The Cammino Fogazzaro-Roi is the result of the work of a group of volunteers who love the harmony that the rhythm of walking brings and who love their land. This particular walk has been devised to introduce people to an area of Vicenza and its province which threads from Montegalda up to Tonezza del Cimone, bringing together sport, environment and culture.

The Cammino Fogazzaro-Roi passes through places and past villas celebrated by the Vicentine writer Antonio Fogazzaro and cherished by his great-grandson the Marquess Giuseppe Roi, ambassador of Veneto culture and beauty throughout the world. It is no coincidence that the Cammino Fogazzaro-Roi was first conceived on the centenary of our great writer’s death (1911-2011).

The basic idea

Sentiero nei Colli Berici

Sometimes the simplest pleasures can be awe-inspiring and bring the greatest rewards. Walking for days on end, finding a balanced pace and rhythm, travelling through country lanes or mountain trails can lead to a simple sense of achievement and a sense of wonder.

Walking the Way of St. James in Santiago, Spain, the Way of Le Puy in France, the Francigena and the Anaunia Way in Italy, I came to realise that I could find that same sense of wonder and harmony in my own land. It is a land where man has certainly left his mark but as long as a route could be mapped out where you could walk for several days in complete safety, it could be done.

While there are many mountain trails in our area, there are very few designated walks in the Veneto countryside and hill areas. Creating long trails in the Veneto, discovering secondary routes that pass through quiet towns and villages untouched large-scale urbanisation, and dedicating these walks to the people who have given their lives to conservation and countryside management is, deep down, a very simple idea.

If this simple idea helps people, both Italians and non, to mix the dust of the great European walks with the dust gathered along the Cammini Veneti (Walks in Veneto), then we will have played a small part in creating opportunities to inspire awe and harmony. Is it not a wonderful thing that tree roots can break through the tarmac?

andrea cevese firma
Andrea Cevese
(Chairman of the Associazione Cammini Veneti)

Walking quotes

The exhilaration of walking

[…] this is what it means to journey on foot: the unexpected, the unforeseen; anyone who surrenders to the walk will find themselves in the same state, fragile and totally dependent you are in that fragile and dependent. There is an incredible chain of cause and casual coincidence and a wealth of encounters connected to them. […] as I see it, the real meaning of the journey, and the journey on foot in particular, lies in the personal effort you are implicitly required to put in when you commune with nature, the world, humankind […] In fact, walking is, first and foremost, a journey of sincerity, because of the sacrifices you have to make and because of its intrinsic nature […] it goes without saying that there is a diffidence in the city that has not contaminated the countryside, hospitality is usually spontaneous, doors and hearts open up far more often than they close. The foot traveller, bearer of dreams and adventures, receives much more than he gives […]

Emeric Fisset, L’ebbrezza del camminare (The Exhilaration of Walking), Edicicloeditore, 2012

“Fogazzaro” Nordic Walking Park in Velo d’Astico

The “Fogazzaro” Nordic Wallking Park, which opened on Saturday July 6, 2013, offers a choice of two circuits:

The Fogazzaro Route in Velo d’Astico (6.5 km)

The route takes in points of cultural interest including the three villas connected to Fogazzaro: Villa Carrè Ciscato, Villa Velo, and Villa Montanina. The houses may only be viewed from the outside however guided tours with prof. G. M. Filosofo may be arranged by appointment, and include entrance to the exhibition on Fogazzaro in the ex-primary school in Lago.

The historical-artistic Route in Meda (16.6 km)

The route begins outside the St. George’s medieval church, which can be viewed from the outside, then proceeds to Meda, with the Salita del Castello where Ezzelino il Tiranno lived in reclusion for a time, then up to the Madonna Shrine, situated halfway up to Summano summit; the route drops down and then up again to the Cross, built from bits of shrapnel from World War I; it passes through “Croxe de la Pasion” in Rialbo and then back to the starting point; this walk is suited to persons with good levels of fitness.

Itinerario Fogazzariano Velo d'AsticoThe Fogazzaro Route in Velo d’Astico3D map of the Route


The Fogazzaro Route and selected locations

1 Velo-Seghe ex-railway station 
2 “Passo di Rovese” (Seghe)
3 “Villa Carrè” (Villa Valmarana)
4 Rocchette-Arsiero ex-railway station (1933)
5 “Villascura” (Velo d’Astico)
6 “Balcone Fogazzaro” (Velo)
7 “Colle del Castello” in Velo
8 Sts. Martin and George Church (1773)
9 “Villa Cortis” (Villa Velo)
10 Costolo
11 Nogarole
12 Meneghetti’s Shrine (1896)
13 Fogazzaro photo exhibition
14 “Lago Villa Cortis” (Peschiera)
15 Villa Montanina – Fogazzaro Route
16 Memorial stone to Conte Brandolino Brandolini d’Adda (volunteer during the Great War and only Member of Parliament who died on the battlefield)
17 “Il Boschetto” (Millepini)
18 “La fabbrica”

Itinerario storico artistico MedaThe Historical-artistic Route in Meda3D map of the Route


The historical-artistic Route and selected locations

1 Velo-Seghe ex-railway station
2 Langobardic St. George’s Parish Church
3 Crossing keeper’s box in Meda
4 “Colle del Castello” in Meda
5 “Le Schiave”
6 Crossroads in Poggio di Curegno
7 Crossroads at the Vallina Shrine up to Monte Summano
8 Shrine up to Monte Summano
9 Memorial stone to Captain Antonio Trua (who died in Poggio on 12 June 1916 and was awarded the gold Medal for Gallantry) in Poggio di Curegno
10 Contrà Curegno
11 Contrà Masi
12 Contrà Costa
13 Contrà Peon
14 “Croxe de la Pasion” (Croce di Rialbo)
Inaugurazione Nordic Walking Park a Velo d'Astico

About us

camminatoriOur association, Sportiva Dilettantistica Culturale Cammini Veneti was founded in 2014, the brainchild of a group of friends with a shared passion for hiking, trekking, rambling and Nordic Walking. It aims to create long trails in the area where we live (the province of Vicenza in the Veneto region).

Statuto dell’associazione Cammini Venetipdf– Associazione Cammini Veneti’s articles of association and by-laws (Italian)

Founder members

We would like to briefly introduce our members:

Andrea Cevese


Andrea CeveseAndrea Cevese has always been a keen nature lover and sports enthusiast, above all mountain sports. He began walking longer trails in 2005 (the Way of St. James, the Way of Le Puy, the Francigena Way and the Anaunia Way). He believes that local culture and natural heritage are the ideal soil for a person’s roots to thrive in. After his diploma in Classical Studies he graduated in Law and has lived abroad for several years. He works freelance.

Paola Franco

Vice Chairwoman

paola francoPaola Franco, is a keen nature and animal lover. She enjoys walking and exploring new places in her free time. After walking the Way of St. Francis in 2013 she tackled the Way of St. James. She is a freelance professional with previous experience in local government and works in a variety of ways to promote local culture and natural heritage. She deals with organisational and administrative aspects for the association.

Vladimiro Riva

Board member

vladimiro-rivaAs head of the Vicenzaè Tourist Board, Vladimiro Riva has spent years working to promote tourism in the area of Vicenza. His schemes and projects include the development of the Denominazione Comunali (De.Co.), a regional mark of quality to promote local produce, the campaign for the recognition of Unesco World Heritage Sites in Vicenza and its province, and his work to have the Basilica Palladiana listed as a national monument. He is a founder member and brings his wide experience to bear on all aspects of the association.

Remo Longin

Board member

Remo LonginRemo Longin is an athletics coach and Nordic Walking instructor, joint owner of a fitness centre and a keen hiker. He has devised “the green way”, nature walks designed to encourage people to connect with their natural environment. These walks include the “Giro delle Chiesette Prealpine” in the foothills of the Alps near Vicenza, the route from Folgaria to Venice along the E5 European long distance trail, and the regional R2 bike-pedestrian path along riverbanks in the Veneto region. He advises the association on technical and sport matters.

Chiara Faresin

Board member

Chiara FaresinChiara Faresin is a keen lover of art, landscape and cultural tourism and has travelled widely in Italy and abroad. She prepared the texts on Antonio Fogazzaro and his grandson Roi, and the analysis of the novels set in the area around Vicenza. After taking a degree in Economics and a career in business, she also graduated in Art History, a subject which she is qualified to teach.

Cecilia Calgaro

Board member

cecilia calgaroCecilia Calgaro is a keen nature lover and traveller and her delight in exploring other cultures has taken her abroad for several years. She walked the Way of St. James in 2010 and immediately fell under its spell. Thanks to the Associazione Cammini Veneti she combines her passions with her professional experience in the field of public relations.

Rosanna Cerato

Board member

rosanna ceratoRosanna Cerato is a keen lover of nature, dogs, art and children and was thrilled to walk the Way of St. James. She works in business administration but prefers flowers and treks to numbers and figures. She has an administrative role within the association.

Diego Capitanio

Board member

diego capitanioDiego Capitanio has an innate passion…nature, the environment, walking and enjoying the outdoors. He is a member of the mountaineering group Alpi Trivenete. He loves scenery and landscapes, getting to know people, sharing knew ways of life, respect for the environment, the mountains and people. In 2007 he began walking and cycling: Via dei Borboni, the Way of St. James, the Way of St. Francis, The Francigena Way..-and that was just the start. Happy walking! He is responsible for the routes and waymarking in the association.

Erik Umberto Pretto

Board member

erik prettoErik Umberto Pretto is studying engineering and works in local government. He loves his land and the traditions of the people who live there. He has completed the Way of St. James and noticed how proper management of local resources, especially its history, its natural heritage and locally sourced food and wine products, can have positive economic and cultural effects on the local community.

Maurizio Dal Ferro

Board member

maurizio dal ferroMaurizio Dal Ferro, is a keen lover of the mountains in both winter and summer and a competent sailor. He is also a keen birdwatcher. He has worked for many years in international institutions. He is a freelance consultant on EU financing and uses his experience for the enhancement of the Veneto area.

Renzo Priante

Board member

Renzo PrianteRenzo Priante, architect, has worked for a long time as an architect and urban planner in the enhancement of the territory of the Alto Vicentino that he knows in depth. He designed the renovation of the Park of Villa Rossi, the High Path of Cogollo del Cengio, created the paths around the little lake of Posina, written a Guide to the Cammino Fogazzaro Roi in the village of Piovene Rocchette. He writes and lectures on the history and culture of the Alto Vicentino area.

Giorgio Marchetto

Board member

Giorgio MarchettoGiorgio Marchetto has long been a keen mountaineer and runner, in and around the mountains near Vicenza. He works as a freelance web designer for tourism-based sites and creator of multimedia applications (panoramic photos and virtual tours, web mapping applications), and he deals with these technical aspects for our association.