The Credenziale
The credenziale, or record of your walk, is issued by the Associazione Cammini Veneti to all those wishing to complete the route and enjoy the places celebrated by the Vicentino writer Antonio Fogazzaro and much-cherished by his great-grandson the Marquess Giuseppe Roi.
To obtain your credenziale please contact the Associazione Cammini Veneti: –
or the Consorzio Vicenzaè: –
or download and print it from here: credenzialeCFR.pdf1.28 MB
The sigilli
The credenziale is stamped (the Italian word for stamp is sigillo) along the way at town halls, churches, inns and restaurants, and proves that the bearer has passed through the four stages of the trail. A certificate showing you have completed the walk can be requested to Alimentari “Da Paolo” Via Roma 79 (100 mt after the municipal buiding) Tel. +39 0445 749013